Reflection from a flat mirror: Observational Experiment


Observe how light is reflected from a flat mirror, come up with a quantitative relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection.

Prior Knowledge

  • Understanding that two lines that cross define an angle
  • Using a protractor

Description of the Experiment

Observe what happens to the laser beam when it interacts with the mirror. Decide what angles you can measure to find a pattern in the orientation of the incident and reflected rays.

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  • Draw a picture of 5-7 different mirror positions and the ray positions on a piece of paper.
  • Decide what angles you can measure to find a pattern in the angles the incident and reflected rays for with the mirro or the line perpendicular to the mirror.
  • Measure the angels and record the data in a table.
  • Formulate the pattern in words and mathematically.