Magnet and Oscilloscope: Observational Experiment


Identify a pattern in the force that a magnet exerts on a beam of electrons in the oscilloscope.

Prior Knowledge

  1. Newton's Laws
  2. Model of Magnetic Field
  3. How an oscilloscope works, check here.

Description of the Experiment

The beam of electrons is coming at you. You see a green dot on the oscilloscope's screen - the tip of the beam. Observe what happens to the beam when the magent approaches it. Identify a pattern in the behavior of the beam. Explain using the concept of magnetic force exerted on a moving chanrge.

Addtional Information

The red side of the magnet is the North pole.

Youtube movies can be stepped frame by frame using the , and . keys on your keyboard. If you want to download the movie to your computer, right-click or control-click HERE.


What is the pattern? Think of an experiment that you can perform to test it.